Sunday, September 28, 2014

Relishing life

At a recent staff meeting while waiting for other colleagues to arrive I asked one colleague "So, what's been the highlight of the day so far."  He started to respond "Well, with Ebola. . ."

I was like "Wait, stop right there."

He got me started on Ebola. The Ebola epidemic is like a cold.  You can let it get the best of you and encroach on every inch of life or you can do your best to keep it at bay and live life to the fullest possible.

I told him that while we are in the epidemic, we can still be realists yet optimists.

Lesson #4: In life there is always something to appreciate even in the gloomiest of situations.

He never did give me a highlight.

So this list is dedicated to all who hesitate to seek and relish the highlights in life.

Highlights of living in Liberia during the Ebola crisis:
  • Seeing Liberian resilience in action
  • Learning unforgettable lessons about facing fears
  • Learning priceless lessons about trust in God
  • Finding more time than ever to read 
  • Valuing the smallest gifts of life (though while writing I just saw and killed the biggest ant I've seen in a while)
  • Doing more regular exercise than I've done in years (mainly walking and Zumba)
  • Seizing the day, relishing and indulging in healthy living and relationships
  • Blogging more regularly (after recovering from an Ebola-induced hiatus:)
  • Hearing more regularly from friends checking in to make sure I'm still alive

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sweet Grandma's sunset

The joy of Beauty.
I received the news yesterday afternoon that my grandma, the loveliest of all lovelies, passed away yesterday morning.  She was 92 years old.   We knew her health had been declining over the past year but her issues breathing was a very recent issue. I spoke to my mom yesterday and today and she is doing ok, sad but reassured that she passed quickly and very peacefully.  The family and I are doing ok.  Tears come but I am also thankful for the quality quality time spent with her my last two trips to the US.  Such a gift.  God shows His immense goodness and love in all seasons of life.

Please pray for our family as we grieve her absence yet celebrate her final rest with the Love of her life.

Things I learned from grandma:
  • What a perfect sweet potato pie tastes like
  • Knowing the value of and time that goes into hand-sewn clothing
  • Hospitality
  • The importance of cooking and eating well
  • Appreciating the beauty of a tree
  • How to love fiercely despite hurt and difficulty
  • Resilience
  • The transforming power of lively relationship with Jesus especially for us, the imperfect ones
and so much more. . .

Follow this link for a video of her (and me in the background) doing one of her favorite things:

Sunday, September 14, 2014

What I want to be when I grow up.

Today I went out to dinner with two friends.  It's amazing how normal events carry such special delight in the midst of a national emergency.  While at dinner the topic of midwifes/doulas came up. I hadn't thought about it for so long but that's one job I would LOVE to have.

Here are a few more:

1) Auto mechanic generalist (I want to simply hear a troubled car and know what the issue is)

2) Natural hair tutor (To host natural haircare workshops)

3) Action Learning coach (Helping groups work together and solve problems more effectively)

4) Bed and Breakfast House Manager (Creating an unforgettable hospitality experience)

5) Handywoman

6) Pro-bono doula

7) Professional organizer (bringing order to messes:)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

News I could use

I got my 1st nearly frantic email today from a dear friend.  You know who you are:)
"You have to keep me updated! I'm seeing too much on the news. Where are you, what's going on?"
I replied:
Hey there.  Hmm, perhaps you need to change the channel, friend:) I'm still here, still well, thank God. . .
Lesson #4: Words are powerful. In times of stress be careful about what you read and what you say.

I honestly don't understand why the forecasts are so grim.

I've begun to limit my intake and will start to be very selective about my sources of information because the news isn't so much news as it is mundane (so-and-so donated such-and-such) or horrific.

News stories I wish I'd see more of:
  • "Do you know someone who lives in or had recently returned from Liberia? How you can support them"
  • "Non-sensational, factual sources of information on the epidemic"
  • "Life in a time of Ebola: Activities you think you can't do but can"
  • Statistics: How those who got it got it, how unlikely it is for the average Joe to get it. 
  • Reliable organizations to partner with in the fight against Ebola
  • Stress management tips for family and friends of Ebola region dwellers
  • Uses for bleach you never knew
  • Surprising uses for hand sanitizer

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Current crushes

As I walked home one afternoon I realized that there were number of men that have become my favorites here. There are three, six or seven if we count married ones.

To avoid scandal, perhaps I should define "crush."  It's not romantic but rather my appreciation they've won and that sets them apart. Since they have become a nice set, I decided to analyze them and highlight what it is about them that make them recipients of my appreciation. Each has a distinguishing characteristic:

1. Generosity with physical strength
2. Passion (about work, of course)
3. Intellect
4. Sincere kindness
5. Humility
6. Patience
7. Voice/Expressed Wisdom

Now to have all of these characteristics rolled up into one. That would be fabulous.

No, friend.  I know the question on your mind: "Is any of them a possibility?"  Not that I know of.  And so, ever the learner, I learn about my preferences from my crushes and move on.

Movin' on.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Stronger than sticks and stones

Lesson #3: Our greatest weapon: the Word

I don't often beg but when it came to my Bible Study leader sharing her experience with the power of the Word, I nearly groveled.

She emailed her story the other night. Knowing that she'd be happy for others to learn from it, I am reprinting it below:
Recently it pleased me to see the effect of the power of God's Word. . .
While meeting with a girlfriend the other day, she began to become 'unglued'. Strange because she is usually a strong and bubbly lady, but all of a sudden her face began to look flushed and as if she was about to cry.  
. . .I asked her 'what's wrong'? She exploded... explaining with so much emotion that up til now she had been fine following the rules and dealing with all this Ebola craziness, but after receiving another anxious call from a relative abroad, and  hearing the dismal report from the head of the CDC upon his quick visit to Liberia, she began to lose hope and become fearful. What was she to do now with a young child, all borders closed and nearly no flight options out of the country? 
Understanding her concerns, but being more at peace with the situation, I asked a man of God in our company to pray with her. He prayed a powerful prayer of grace etc, but that did not seem to totally calm her down, for she began to share her fears almost at the "Amen".  
While trying to talk through her "Buts" and "what ifs", my spirit led me to just open the Bible and share a direct message from Philippians 4:6-7 which says: 
 "Do not be anxious about anything (not even this Ebola or the minimal flights). but in everything (even this current situation), by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God".  I then told her when and after you do this, replay/meditate on it  (vs 7) says "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus".  
Immediately her face lit  up with a smile. Her entire expression changed and I could see the relief, and that was the end of the conversation. We said our good byes and she walked away.  
All first efforts to console her failed, it was only by the power of the Word that did it in an instant!  
For me, it was amazing to see how powerful the Word of God is to transform and restore.  
We must use it often and share it more.  
Be blessed!
What an example of a powerful truth.