Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sweet Freedom From Ebola!

It's true! Yesterday Liberia celebrated it's 42nd day of freedom from person-to-person transmission of the Ebola virus.  Forty-two days represents two cycles of the maximum 21-day incubation of the virus.

The victory is "so sweet" as the Liberians say.  It has been a difficult journey from being the country hardest hit in the region to the first one declared free.  I sincerely believe it's nothing short of a miracle, an answer to many prayers, and a salve to much heartache and sadness.  This news is so inspiring it helped me break the nearly 3-month hiatus from the blog.  "Sorry-o!" (my favorite Liberian saying).  It's been quite a long time.

The question on everyone's mind:  How will it affect travel and monitoring, particularly on the US.  No changes yet but I hope that I will not have to be monitored by the time I arrive on my next trip.

The question on my mind: How soon will family and friends come to visit?  Very soon I hope:) Perhaps you will follow Mama Brown's footsteps.  My mom just returned to the States from a month-long visit.  What a time to be here!  More on her visit to come.

Celebration time!