I'm happy to report my inspiration has returned!
I'm taking a pause from discussing written autobiographies to reflect on a common story. This is an autobiography in the making.
Last week I was undone when I heard the story of a young woman caught in cycle of prostitution when money gets low and there seems to be no other options. I'm learning when something hits my heart to the point of tears I need to go with that feeling and invest it into prayer and intercession for the person and the larger issue.
You would think the "no-touch" culture that Ebola created would have impacted it. Not so, dear friend. The enemy is relentless. He continues to work with and among humans to kill, steal and destroy the human body, soul and spirit.
Let me be explicit: sexual abuse, prostitution and human trafficking is alive and well in Liberia. Girls are giving sex for grades, a meal, protection, and the most basic of necessities. And their parents look away in complicity. I've heard too many stories and met the girls.

While looking up resources for a study on purity I came across the following podcast.
It pains me bringing me to the point of tears to realize that there are countless "Angels" in Liberia.
Listening to this has refueled my prayer for the Angels caught in a devaluing cycle of sexual exploitation.
Listen. Respond as your heart leads.
I'm taking a pause from discussing written autobiographies to reflect on a common story. This is an autobiography in the making.
Last week I was undone when I heard the story of a young woman caught in cycle of prostitution when money gets low and there seems to be no other options. I'm learning when something hits my heart to the point of tears I need to go with that feeling and invest it into prayer and intercession for the person and the larger issue.
You would think the "no-touch" culture that Ebola created would have impacted it. Not so, dear friend. The enemy is relentless. He continues to work with and among humans to kill, steal and destroy the human body, soul and spirit.
Let me be explicit: sexual abuse, prostitution and human trafficking is alive and well in Liberia. Girls are giving sex for grades, a meal, protection, and the most basic of necessities. And their parents look away in complicity. I've heard too many stories and met the girls.

While looking up resources for a study on purity I came across the following podcast.
It pains me bringing me to the point of tears to realize that there are countless "Angels" in Liberia.
Listening to this has refueled my prayer for the Angels caught in a devaluing cycle of sexual exploitation.
Listen. Respond as your heart leads.